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Holy Family Services, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)(3). Along with the revenue we generate from providing care in the clinic and birth center, we rely heavily on the generosity of donors. Thank you for helping us to meet the needs of our community. 



We are so thankful for all the support that we receive from past and present volunteers, patients, and benefactors. We are truly blessed for all the support that is given to us, allowing us to continue to help serve our patients.

  • As a non-profit organization, your donation can be tax deductible.

  • We accept financial donations as well as materials, from baby items (clothes, blankets, etc.) to medical supplies.


To make a financial donation:

Donations are accepted

  • In Person

  • By Phone (956) 969-2538

  • By Mail: Donations/checks may be sent to 5819 N FM 88, Weslaco, TX 78599

  • Online: Use the DONATE NOW link below

We appreciate the ability to use funds where needed most, but if donating for a specific purpose/cause, please make notation of that.




Do you want to be a permanent part of the Holy Family legacy? In the Spring of 2018, we laid the first bricks on the Walkway of Love: a pathway of remembrance and celebration for babies, families, alumni, and friends on the grounds at Holy Family. Commemorate a birth, remember a loved one, honor a friend, or celebrate your family by ordering your personalized brick today!















Step One: Download and Print 

Step Two: Fill out the form and personalize your brick!
Step Three: Mail us the form with a check or pay for it online using the DONATE NOW button below  (note payment for the brick)
Step Four: Come visit us and find your brick on the path!


Brick walk way leading to beautiful pergola, created through donate-a-brick

Holy Family Services, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization EIN: 74-2282624

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© 2024 Holy Family Birth Center

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